Spotting the Signs: How To Check for Skin Cancer

Spotting the Signs: How To Check for Skin Cancer

Skin cancer, a predominant yet often misconstrued ailment, arises from the abnormal growth of skin cells due to unrepaired DNA impairment. At Penstein Dermatology, we diagnose three primary types: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma, each with distinct causes and manifestations.

Basal cell carcinoma, triggered by intense sun exposure, typically appears as a pearly or waxy bump or a flat, flesh-colored scar-like lesion. Squamous cell carcinoma, often caused by cumulative UV exposure, manifests as a firm, red nodule or a crusted, scaly patch. Melanoma, the most aggressive form, emerges from atypical moles or develops anew. It displays irregular borders, multiple colors, and a larger diameter, urging prompt medical attention upon detection.

Several factors contribute to skin cancer. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, whether from the sun or tanning beds, remains a primary cause. Fair-skinned individuals, those with a history of sunburns, and people with weakened immune systems face heightened risks. However, skin cancer in New York, NY, can affect anyone, regardless of skin tone or ethnicity.

Spotting the Signs: How To Check for Skin Cancer

Conducting regular self-examinations at home is a proactive step toward detecting skin cancer in New York, NY, early. Examine your skin from head to toe in a well-lit room using mirrors, or ask someone to assist in hard-to-see areas. Follow the ABCDE rule and schedule a visit if you notice anything unusual. 

A: Asymmetry - Check for moles or lesions with irregular shapes or halves that don't match.

B: Border - Look for uneven, blurred, or scalloped edges in moles or spots.

C: Color - Be aware of uneven coloring or multiple shades within a single mole or lesion.

D: Diameter - Take note of any growth larger than a pencil eraser (about 6mm).

E: Evolving - Monitor changes in size, shape, color, or elevation of existing moles or lesions.

Visit Penstein Dermatology To Prevent Skin Cancer

Penstein Dermatology emphasizes the significance of routine check-ups, offering comprehensive evaluations and personalized care plans. An annual full-body skin examination can identify potential concerns you may overlook during self-examinations. Dermatologists possess the expertise to accurately diagnose and treat skin conditions, including various types of skin cancer. They employ specialized tools and techniques to assess and monitor suspicious moles or lesions, providing timely interventions if necessary.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. If you have questions or concerns regarding the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of skin cancer in New York, NY, and want to consult our board-certified dermatologists at Penstein Dermatology, call (212) 517-5171.

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